Sunday 10 September 2023

Maxwell's Stone Barn - Improving a simple MDF kit - Miniature Wargames issue 486

Issue 486 (October 2023) of Miniature Wargames features this highly modified MDF kit re-built by me from blue foam and DAS Modelling clay. For more information you can see this link or pick up the magazine from WHSmiths.

The two images below show the model prior to painting and then the bare MDF kit which was bought from Warbases. For more information of the basic kit, see this link.



  1. I love it! I really enjoy modifying MDF kits or using them as a frame to build upon as you have done here.

  2. I know - great fun isn't it!

    I have actually contemplated a whole series on just modifying MDF kits.

    Thanks for the support.

