Sunday 21 January 2024

An interesting YouTube post featuring my Skrym gaming board

Earlier this month I was browsing YouTube when I came across this tutorial showing how to paint a fantasy house for D&D or Frostgrave. The tutorial has many of the techniques I use when painting my scratch built terrain, but that's not the reason I am featuring it here on my Blog. 

The author has decided to use one of my magazine articles as a background - namely the construction of my Skrym or Modiphius Games gaming table that I built some time ago. For more information on the magazine article/articles, see these two posts here and here. which show the construction and then the painting of this board.

You can see the YouTube tutorial from JH Miniatures showing how he painted his fantasy house here and my Miniature Wargames magazine article in the background. I went back over some of his earlier tutorials to see if he used any more of my magazine articles as background but couldn't find any. I just found it funny that my MW article/tutorial was used in this way and thought it was worth posting here.....

I have seen many of my models featured in various YouTube and 'other' internet posts over the years and think it is something of a complement. If any readers know of any others, please post details here.


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