Tuesday 30 April 2024

Ocaldo Drawing Ink

While browsing a local charity show I came across this small glass bottle of Ocaldo Drawing Ink - Gold. I thought it was worth picking up as it was being sold for just 99p. Back home I can confirm that it is a fantastic Gold ink/paint and I now wish there had been more for sale.

An internet search has not heralded much about the Leicester based company and nothing drawing ink related. But it is a great product.


Wednesday 24 April 2024

Flintloque Spanish - part two

Here are four more Flintloque miniatures that I have painted as Spanish soldiers for my Flintloque/Silver Bayonet cross over project. Like the earlier four figures, they were each painted and decorated one at a time rather than my more usual batch painting method and I have to admit that it was more fun.

The final image shows all eight painted varnished and decorated with static grass, tufts and ground foam. All ready for the gaming board.


Monday 22 April 2024

Flintloque Spanish - one mini at a time

Over the last couple of months I have not been painting miniatures - I'd lost my Mojo.....

But following some positive comments on this Blog, I have set myself the challenge of painting a group of eight Flintloque Spanish figures for my Silver Bayonet/Flintloque crossover project. The eight based and undercoated minis have sat very patiently on my To-Do shelf for nearly a year. I thought it was time I got around to painting them and using the tried and tested technique of painting just one mini at a time here are the first four painted and finished Spanish.

I'm not expecting any awards for the 'down and dirty' techniques I have used, but they have got me back to the painting bench and I have to admit that I've enjoyed the experience. While painting these I read in the magazine Airfix Model World that the editor had experienced a similar feeling of lost Mojo and it was reassuring to read that I was not alone in this affliction.

Thank you for all the positive comments.


Sunday 21 April 2024

Car Boot Sale Bargains

Earlier today Sue and I visited our first car boot sale of the year. The weather was great and I picked up some bits and pieces but the best bargain of the day was this Burgess Powerline Electric Engraver Model 72 complete in its box with all of the paperwork and attachments. I was a little reticent at first, but can confirm that it is in perfect working order. 

It cost me just £1.00.

My second bargain was this Toe Nail Clipper set, two very high quality clippers plus various tools. Perfect for model making and particularly trimming items from the sprue. 

Another bargain at just £4.00.

I really should get around to visiting more car boot sales....


Friday 19 April 2024

The Rock Kings Throne Room featured at Salute 51

Last night I was browsing some of the YouTube reports from Salute 51 (April, 2024) and came across a number of images of a terrain board that I had built back in 2008 and subsequently sold to Crooked Dice/7TV. The image you see above was taken from the Crooked Dice report on Salute 51 and shows The Rock Kings Throne Room gaming board in use. For more details, see this link. Note; Image is used without permission and will be removed if objected to.

The image below is from an earlier post on this Blog, showing the finished board with 40mm Flash Gordon miniatures from my own collection - you can find more information by following this link.

A further search shows a number of YouTube and Blog sites that have featured this board on a number of different show reports - for example Best of Salute - link timeline 10.53.

It was something of a surprise, a pleasant surprise to once again see the gaming board in use. I was not able to attend Salute this year, but it is great to see that something I once built was on display.


Thursday 18 April 2024

Miniature Wargames issue 493 - A Silver Bayonet Solo Adventure

I have previously posted about this issue of Miniature Wargames (see this link), but also think it is worthwhile to include a second post detailing one of the published articles.

A Clamour of Confused Wrong is a solo historical scenario for The Silver Bayonet written by Conrad Kinch. On first reading I found it a little confusing but persevered with it and now think that the playing card mechanics could work well in other SB solo games. I would not hesitate to to recommend the mechanics to anyone looking to play a solo game of SB or Flintloque.

Well done to Mr, Kinch for a very well thought out scenario and gaming mechanic. The magazine is currently available in WHSmiths for £5.99.


Saturday 13 April 2024

Help - I've lost my figure painting Mojo!

There is no doubt in my mind - I've lost my Mojo! I haven't painted a figure in months, possibly over a year and I have no excuse. I have loads of unpainted lead and shelves full of paint, not to mention boxes of paintbrushes and even a wet palette but I just don't have the drive to sit and paint.

What should I do?



Friday 12 April 2024

A Messy Little Pig Sty - Miniature Wargames issue 493

The latest issue of Miniature Wargames - issue 493 (May 2024) features this scratch build pig sty built and painted by me some time ago. It was originally features in my self published book Dampfpanzerwagon Guide No. 1 Building Wargame Terrain (now out of stock) but has been included here in a much condensed form (the original article ran to twelve pages). I have included some additional images of the model on my display board with a Flintloque figure alongside for scale.

You can find the magazine in most WHSmiths stores or see this link for more details of how to order a copy and see the full contents.

This is one of my favourite models from the Dampfpanzerwagon Guides and one that I doubt I will ever get rid of.


Thursday 11 April 2024

Charity Shop Finds

These two books were picked up for just £1.00 each - at these prices they were just too good to pass up.
