Sunday 23 June 2024

Morgan Three Wheeler - part ten

The spare wheel was test fitted into the rear before I added the modified boot rack. I wanted a wooden rack rather than the chrome one in the kit. The rear number plate has been modified to fit directly on to the wheel rather than having a decorative chrome wheel cover - I think this looks better.

The dash has been painted and the steering wheel has been fitted. I needed to search my decal store for dials as none were included with my kit. Once these were fitted, I gloss varnished over the dials rather than fit the clear parts which were included.


Wednesday 19 June 2024

Morgan Three Wheeler - part nine

Following on from the earlier post I waited 24 hours for the Tamiya British Racing Green to fully dry before I airbrushed the whole model with Galleria matt varnish. I had seen that early Morgans were more likely to have a satin finish than a gloss one and the Galleria varnish gave the perfect finish I was looking for.

I used the Thayer & Chandler airbrush that I had picked up at the Malvern Flea Market - see this post for more details and it worked perfectly when applying the varnish.

The Morgan body shell was then weathered by adding subtle rust spots and some fading. I used acrylic paints for the rust and oil paint for the fading. In addition I have used watercolour pencils for the scratches seen in the Bonham's auction site images that I am using as reference.

I am well aware that some might think it sacrilege to weather such a rare model, but using the Bonham's auction site for Morgan CHP 68 has meant that I have a true representation of an original Morgan Super Sports to work from and I have enjoyed the challenge of trying to copy an original rather than a pristine model.


Monday 17 June 2024

Morgan Three Wheeler - part eight

The bright red plastic body shell was first lightly sanded and cleaned before I applied Halfords grey automotive primer from a spray can. Prior to spraying the main colour of Tamiya British Racing Green, also from a spray can, I lightly buffed the primer with a paper coffee filter (a very mild abrasive), The British Racing Green was sprayed on on light coats to make sure there were no runs.

The chrome radiator was slightly weathered with acrylic paints before being glued in place with superglue. Throughout this spray painting period the model was held with a Mole grip on one of the plastic panels under the bonnet. This meant that the body could be sprayed and allowed to dry without handling.


Sunday 16 June 2024

Father's Day Grand Prix

Or the Father's Day Scalextric Challenge.

It's all set up for the Grandchildren (and adults) to race on.

I'll update later who won.....


Saturday 15 June 2024

Miniature Wargames issue 495

Issue 495 of Miniature Wargames - July 2024 has the second part of my two-part series showing how I first built and then painted a model based on one of the old Games Workshop card buildings - The Armoury.

For more information about the magazine contents, please see this link.

The remaining images show part of the process in painting this model, from grey basecoat to early weathering and

finally, varnishing and decorating the base.


Wednesday 12 June 2024

Morgan Three Wheeler - part seven

I had said that my next post would be about the Morgan's red plastic body, but..... Instead I have spent the last couple of days building myself a base for the model. I have used a piece of clear perspex and cork to build the Tarmac road section and finished it off with real wood veneer trim. It's just big enough for the three wheel Morgan to sit upon.

The next post will be about the Morgan's body.


Tuesday 11 June 2024

Morgan Three Wheeler - part six

I have painted both the floor and the leather seat with acrylic paints but have not glued them in place, I think it will make it easier to construct and paint the rest of the model with these two pieces still loose. The two front wheels are also loose and will be glued in place later.

 The next project will be the red plastic body.


Monday 10 June 2024

Morgan Three Wheeler - part five

The seats were moulded in smooth shiny black plastic and looked very toy-like. I used my Dremel with a cutting disc, a scalpel and various sandpapers to 'age' the leather and give it a more distressed look. The leather seats were painted with various acrylic paints, then repeatedly drybrushed and washed to achieve the look I wanted. I don't have any work-in-progress shots, but here you can see the finished effect.

I think the seats look much better now and should give the interior a more lived-in look.


Saturday 8 June 2024

Morgan Three Wheeler - part four

The chrome plated plastic engine took some time to get right but following the Bonhams Auction site images, I managed to get something I was happy with. At this stage the front wheels are still just push fit, I will glue them in place later.

The pale grey engine housing, chrome cylinders and 'M' logo heads were copied from the earlier Bonhans site. So far everything has been brush painted.


Friday 7 June 2024

Morgan Three Wheeler - part three

The front suspension was one of the most fiddly parts of construction so far, there were parts that were less than 1mm in section and lots of reaming out of holes to make things work.

In this final image I have loosely attached the two front wheels to give an idea of the stance of the model.


Thursday 6 June 2024

Morgan Three Wheeler - part two

When I was first given the model kit I was told that there might be the odd piece missing and this has proven to be the case. The chain drive was missing so I built a replacement from bits in my spares box. I used some yellow gears and blue tape which was strengthened with superglue. In addition there was a small feature missing from the gear box, but this was easy to replace, I used a short section of knitting needle which was glued in place with more superglue.

The second image shows the rear wheel, gear box and the first parts of the frame. Up to this point all of the painting was brush painted with acrylic paints and Galleria matt varnish. I have used Tamiya thin and superglue to glue the parts so far.

Throughout the build I have been very impressed with the very fine detail of this old kit - parts of the frame are less than 1mm thick and easily damaged, as you can see by the missing part of the frame (lower edge and support cross member). I've kept this safe and will add it later in the build. I can also confirm that I have yet to glue any piece in place without some considerable cleaning up and de-flashing particularly on any chrome parts!


Tuesday 4 June 2024

Silicone Workstation

Some time ago I saw a YouTube video giving details of a new silicone workstation or mat that the YouTube-er was using as a work mat for plastic kit modelling. The soft silicone mat is described as a silicone soldering mat and as expected has sections for holding circuit boards and screws (see below).

I thought it would be interesting to pick one up and ordered my via Amazon. My intention is to add a self healing cutting mat over the main work station (I have a spare cutting mat - which I will cut to size). The silicone mat will not allow glues or paint to stick to the surface, so should be OK as a base for painting BUT SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR CUTTING!

This image (taken from the internet) shows the size and design. I also chose the blue version, but I have seen different designs and colours are available.

I am very well aware that I have loads (I mean loads) of different tools, many of which I do never use. But I'm confident that this new addition will be useful.


Sunday 2 June 2024

Morgan Three Wheeler - ACADEMY model kit

Earlier this year I posted details of this 1/16th scale Morgan three wheeler Super Sports model kit from ACADEMY that I had been given as a birthday present. I thought it was about time I started to assemble it. For more details, see this post.

I have decided that I will finish and paint the model as a well used and slightly run-down Morgan as seen on a Bonham's action site for the Morgan three wheeler registration number CHP 68. The Morgan will be British racing green with Claret red wheels and trim

I started with the wheels which were dismantled, cleaned up and then glued together before I brush painting them in a Claret red colour. In this image you can see that I have fitted the soft vinyl tires and given the finished wheels a light rust wash.

I would hope to get some more work done on this beautiful model very soon.


Monday 27 May 2024

Malvern Flea Market Haul May 2024

Sue and I have just returned from the latest Malvern Flea Market held at the Three Counties Ground, Malvern. For most of the morning the weather was glorious and apart from a brief shower around lunch time, the rain held off.

The first image shows my tool haul - total spend less than £12.00. The best purchase was this Thayer & Chandler air brush which I picked up for £5.00 for both the air brush and the wooden boxed Exacto knife set. The air brush was in a terrible state, but less than one hour later I have cleaned off all the gunk and polished the main body. I've not been able to test it as the screw thread is different to my air hose connector, but the plunger and needle adjuster work perfectly.

Here you can see the air brush after cleaning. Thayer & Chandler air brushes are now sold/manufactured by Badger.

In the bottom of the plastic box was this receipt dated 82 - 04 - 03 for £38.32 so I have had a great bargain. 

The serial number 14203 A A is clearly stamped on the upper barrel.

I look forward to testing it with some paint.


Thursday 23 May 2024

Dress like an Egyptian

Lats week my grandson had to dress up as an Egyptian for a school project. I was asked to produce some home-made props.

The staff was built on an old broom handle with the cobras head constructed over foam balls using paper mache and card. The eyes were cut from old Christmas decorations.

Sue was responsible for the tunic, a black T-shirt with gold decorations and tied with gold rope from an old curtain.

Finally, we have the necklace. The base was a piece of nylon tent and the main decoration was cut out wallpaper. Additional decoration came from my scrap box.

I can confirm that Finley loved his Egyptian costume.


Tuesday 21 May 2024

Magazine Articles - an update

Earlier this month I asked my followers and readers of this Blog what they thought of magazines that publish articles split over two or more issues. The response was very much appreciated. For more details of the initial question, see this Blog post.

I received 34 responses and the result of the survey is;

10 had no view one way or the other

2 had a great dislike of the format

6 were OK with splitting over two magazines

10 responses sat in between not liking and OK

Taking all of the above, I would surmise based on the responses, that publishing articles over two issues - for example part one - the construction and part two - the painting is OK. The most recent issue of Miniature Wargames has such a split article with part one - showing the construction of the Armoury, and part two - next months issue, detailing the painting and finishing.

Thank you to everyone who responded to my short survey - your comments were a great help.


Saturday 18 May 2024

Evesham Medieval Market

Sue and I spent most of today enjoying the Medieval Market and displays around Evesham town centre. It was a great day out and we saw loads of interesting and informative exhibits. We didn't buy that much but there was loads to tempt us and if you have chance pop over and enjoy the event. You will not be disappointing.

For more information see this link.


Monday 13 May 2024

A question for my Blog Followers/Readers - Magazine Articles


Regular Followers and Readers of this Blog will know that I regularly write how-to build scratch built terrain articles for Miniature Wargames (as well as a few for Wargames Illustrated and Wargames, Soldiers & Strategy). Over the last couple of years the format of tutorials in MW has been a three page how-to with a page describing the construction and or painting and then a two page spread with illustrations and text. It is a format that fits with the editors brief as well as being simple and informative. However on occasions I have stretched this format to be a two issue or two month article, for example part one - construction and part two - painting.

My question to all that read this Blog or the magazine articles is.....

How do you feel about two-part tutorials or longer articles that stretch over two issues of a magazine? And are you OK with it or would you prefer a longer article in a single magazine? I am currently working on a more detailed model which I feel would benefit from a split over two months and am asking for guidance.

Any help or comments - whether referring to my magazine articles or wider subjects and publications would be much appreciated.

Thank you in advance.


Friday 10 May 2024

The Armoury - Miniature Wargames issue 494

Issue 494 (June 2024) of Miniature Wargames features another scratch build tutorial this time part one of a two part series showing how I first built and then painted this model. The building was inspired by one of the card models featured in the Games Workshop Warhammer Townscape pack - in particular building No. 9 which is sometimes referred to as The Armoury.

I have use foamboard, cardboard and foam to build the structure and DAS modelling clay to add texture and detail to the walls. The three page magazine article shows how I designed and built it. I have also used some design elements from the now out-of-production resin company Snapdragon Studios - a range of resin models that I believe to be some of the most characterful ever produced for the wargame table.

The final image shows the model undercoated in a neutral grey colour and ready for adding colour. The magazine is available from WHSmiths, for more information. please see this link.


Wednesday 8 May 2024

Commando Comics issue 5749 - Treachery and Treasure

This month the latest Napoleonic Wars themed war comic from Commando Comics has hit the shelves at WHSmiths. Treachery and Treasure issue 5749 is the latest Commando comic to feature Wellington's Riflemen in an adventure set in 1813 written by Andrew Knighton and illustrated by Manuel Benut.

I have a small collection of these Napoleonic themed Commando comics as I find them great reads and perfect inspiration for both Flintloque and Silver Bayonet gaming scenarios. For more information, see this link.


Thursday 2 May 2024

Writing for Miniature Wargames

Earlier this week Sue and I were visiting my mother who still lives in Swansea, South Wales. A weeks visit was disrupted by bad weather but we did have a couple of walks along the promenade at Mumbles and at least one Joe's ice cream. While staying with Mum, She pulled out some of the earliest magazines that I had written for and I re-read a few as bedtime reading. This issue from October 2012 was the first time I had written for Miniature Wargames. More details can be found here.

I had previously written for Wargames, Soldiers & Strategy with a number of tutorials showing how I built and painted scratch built wargame terrain, but this was the first time for MW. I am now approaching the 12 year anniversary with another milestone on the horizon..... I have written for Miniature Wargames for each and every issue since January 2020 (issue 442), that's 51 issue without a break and still going!

It is great to sometimes re-visit these earlier article and remind myself of the techniques and models I have built.

Long may it continue.
