Friday 12 April 2024

A Messy Little Pig Sty - Miniature Wargames issue 493

The latest issue of Miniature Wargames - issue 493 (May 2024) features this scratch build pig sty built and painted by me some time ago. It was originally features in my self published book Dampfpanzerwagon Guide No. 1 Building Wargame Terrain (now out of stock) but has been included here in a much condensed form (the original article ran to twelve pages). I have included some additional images of the model on my display board with a Flintloque figure alongside for scale.

You can find the magazine in most WHSmiths stores or see this link for more details of how to order a copy and see the full contents.

This is one of my favourite models from the Dampfpanzerwagon Guides and one that I doubt I will ever get rid of.
