Saturday 13 April 2024

Help - I've lost my figure painting Mojo!

There is no doubt in my mind - I've lost my Mojo! I haven't painted a figure in months, possibly over a year and I have no excuse. I have loads of unpainted lead and shelves full of paint, not to mention boxes of paintbrushes and even a wet palette but I just don't have the drive to sit and paint.

What should I do?




  1. It happens. Just wait and do other stuff until the mood takes you. Sometimes the lead mountain can get overwhelming, so a cull might be in order?

  2. Pick something you can do in a single session. An animal with a lot of dry brushing and a few little details (teeth, claws and eyes) might be a good choice. The satisfaction of a "quick win" is always a good motivator.

  3. I've been in the same boat and I am trying to do the "Atomic Habits" thing of just doing something (anything) even just getting set up and ready and slowly just getting back into the habit. I have found also that organising to have a few games with friends is also good to get the motivation going again!

  4. Trying a new Genre/Scale and/or picking up a rulebook and re-reading to get enthused helped me last time I hit the wall.

  5. I've just started painting ONE figure. I'll report back when I have something to show.....
