Thursday 18 April 2024

Miniature Wargames issue 493 - A Silver Bayonet Solo Adventure

I have previously posted about this issue of Miniature Wargames (see this link), but also think it is worthwhile to include a second post detailing one of the published articles.

A Clamour of Confused Wrong is a solo historical scenario for The Silver Bayonet written by Conrad Kinch. On first reading I found it a little confusing but persevered with it and now think that the playing card mechanics could work well in other SB solo games. I would not hesitate to to recommend the mechanics to anyone looking to play a solo game of SB or Flintloque.

Well done to Mr, Kinch for a very well thought out scenario and gaming mechanic. The magazine is currently available in WHSmiths for £5.99.



  1. I really like The Silver Bayonet so I will get a copy, thanks.

  2. I'm sure you will find it interesting and of use when you play solo games.
