Friday 19 April 2024

The Rock Kings Throne Room featured at Salute 51

Last night I was browsing some of the YouTube reports from Salute 51 (April, 2024) and came across a number of images of a terrain board that I had built back in 2008 and subsequently sold to Crooked Dice/7TV. The image you see above was taken from the Crooked Dice report on Salute 51 and shows The Rock Kings Throne Room gaming board in use. For more details, see this link. Note; Image is used without permission and will be removed if objected to.

The image below is from an earlier post on this Blog, showing the finished board with 40mm Flash Gordon miniatures from my own collection - you can find more information by following this link.

A further search shows a number of YouTube and Blog sites that have featured this board on a number of different show reports - for example Best of Salute - link timeline 10.53.

It was something of a surprise, a pleasant surprise to once again see the gaming board in use. I was not able to attend Salute this year, but it is great to see that something I once built was on display.



  1. Great find, must be brilliant to see one of your creations out in the world, perhaps this will reignite your painting mojo, fingers crossed.
    All the best

  2. Yes it was great to see, particularly as I was not able to attend Salute. I can confirm that I have started painting again.....

    Wait and see as the relevant post is not too far away.
