Monday 23 July 2018

Models For Wargamers REDUCED - update

Following on from this earlier post and after reading some comments on The Miniatures Page I have added some images of both books to the Blog. To order your own copy/copies please see this link for Models For Wargamers or this link for More Wargame Terrain.

Image two - The contents page of Models For Wargamers

Image three - The Squidship Lilith

Image four - The Tealight Signal Tower W-I-P

Image five - The Damaged Tower House W-I-P

Image six - The back page

Image seven - The cover of More Wargame Terrain

Image eight - The contents page

Image Nine - The Donkey Worked Winding Well

Image ten - The Olde Barn W-I-P

Image eleven - The back page

Should you want to order a copy of either limited edition book please see the links to the right or follow these links; Models For Wargamers or More Wargame Terrain both of which have been reduced to just £12.50 (plus post and packaging). Please Note - there are limited stocks of both.

Thank you.


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