Friday 10 May 2024

The Armoury - Miniature Wargames issue 494

Issue 494 (June 2024) of Miniature Wargames features another scratch build tutorial this time part one of a two part series showing how I first built and then painted this model. The building was inspired by one of the card models featured in the Games Workshop Warhammer Townscape pack - in particular building No. 9 which is sometimes referred to as The Armoury.

I have use foamboard, cardboard and foam to build the structure and DAS modelling clay to add texture and detail to the walls. The three page magazine article shows how I designed and built it. I have also used some design elements from the now out-of-production resin company Snapdragon Studios - a range of resin models that I believe to be some of the most characterful ever produced for the wargame table.

The final image shows the model undercoated in a neutral grey colour and ready for adding colour. The magazine is available from WHSmiths, for more information. please see this link.



Zygmanti said...

It's always heartwarming to see some well executed scenery, thanks for sharing.

Tony said...

Thank you, your comment is much appreciated.

(Kym) + Warburton + (Classic40K) said...

Very nice work!