As promised, here is a review of the new magazine from Alternative Armies, which was launched earlier this month and features a terrain making article by me.
Barking Irons The Dapper Miniature Gaming Magazine, Number 01 2010
The magazine is an unusual format which AA call Quarto. The best description I can use is that it is similar in size and paper quality to an old style comic book (think Spiderman or Batman comics) being 21.5cms wide by 27.5cms tall. For all of this, the quality of the paper and illustrations is top notch and I feel the layout and size works well.
There are 32 pages, with the front and back sheets being colour and the remainder black and white. Being the first issue, I also feel that the group at AA have done a very good job in content and layout, with four separate sections. Features, Adventures, Game Articles and the Lead Shotte Column, which features questions and news.

The Features section has three special articles, Death in the Snow, a review of the latest Flintloque 3rd Edition rule set. I already have this rulebook and can thoroughly recommend it. The second article is called Tilting at Windmills and was written by me some time ago. It details the building and painting of a Spanish-style windmill in 28mm scale, there is also an article on the AA Flintloque booklet The Rarest Tin, A book that has already been reviewed on this Blog.
Section two, - Adventures has three scenario based stories, two for Flintloque and one for Firefight 2.0. The two Flintloque scenarios, one by B. Dyer and the second by G. Syme are very well written and illustrated. I can see the second one which features solo rules being one worth trying.
Section three - Game Articles has a mix of articles targeted at specific games, offering new information and hits as to how best to play the game. The one by M. White, Seven Principles of Flintloque is the only one I have read so far and the advice is well thought out and helpful.
Finally - Lead Shotte, which has questions and news from AA.
The whole magazine is very well illustrated with photographs and drawings and I wish all who are associated with the venture - the very best of luck. At just £3.00 per issue I would recommend it to all who follow Flintloque/Deadloque/Slaughterloo. I believe it will become a very useful resource, one that will work alongside The Yahoo Group The Notables. For more information, check out;
I look forward to issue two.