Monday 11 May 2015

Building Number Three - part three

I present to you the finished Building.....

Del Boy Trotter's Hovel.

For more details of the build, please go to this link and this link.

The model is intended to go with my Pax Bochemannica collection and you can see three of the Boche Halflings in these images. I have my own back-story to my particular group of Halflings, which relate to a group of 'down-at-heel' Boche lead by one Del Boy Trotter. Del Boy's Hovel is festooned with 'knocked-off Gear' and various 'items for sale'.

I couldn't resist the SALE sign.

You can also see the Trotter's totem stuck into the thatch; a Bronze Boar, which makes it clear that Trotter's is open for business.


I hope that you enjoy this bit of fun.



Dave Toone said...

Brilliant work Tony!

The Daive figure from the boxed set is just made to be Rodders!!!! :-)

Love it!

Tony said...

I agree.


BigLee said...

Great stuff, very nice.