Tuesday 16 February 2016

Oldehammer Building No. 2 - part one

Building No 2 - The Town House from Blood Bath at Orcs Drift was built alongside the first building (see earlier posts) and used construction techniques that are very similar to those already detailed in earlier posts.

The building was constructed from spare (ex-advertising sign) foamboard with the edges strengthened with strips of newspaper. I used my hot glue gun for the initial construction and uPVA glue for the newspaper strips.

I was lucky enough to find an image of this building on the internet and as it was photographed on a self-healing cutting board (with a 1cms square grid) I was able to re-construct the building on graph paper prior to building it. If you are using foam board - remember to make allowances for the thickness of the foamboard - in this case 5mm.

The foamboard core and strip newspaper strengthening produces a very strong box - ideal as the basis of  a simple wargame building. More to follow.



Dave said...

Nice Work again Tony. Thinking I might try and do some inspired by these as it will be useful for my fantasy and Flintloque games.

Braz said...

When applying the newspaper to strengthen your building are you brushing the glue on and applying strips or dunking the strips in PVA and applying like paper-mache? Curious. Nice piece as usual.

Tony said...

"When applying the newspaper to strengthen your building are you brushing the glue on and applying strips or dunking the strips in PVA and applying like paper-mache? Curious. Nice piece as usual."

I apply the glue to the model, then the torn strips of newspapers and then seal the newspaper with another layer of glue.

I am working on a more detailed model at the moments - with MDF walls and roof, and I used the same technique to strengthen joints. I find it the simplest and cheapest method, plus the strongest!

I hope this helps.
