Saturday 9 March 2019

Wargame Terrain & Buildings - NOW AVAILABLE

Earlier today and just in time for The West Midlands Military Show Alumwell that takes place tomorrow, I received my first copy of WARGAMES TERRAIN & BUILDINGS - The Napoleonic Wars written by me and published by Pen & Sword.

It's been a while coming but I am very pleased with the new book (The Blue Book) which I have added to my three earlier self-published books.

For details of how to order a copy (at the reduced introductory price of just £11.99) see this link.

My plan is to have the book on display at the WMMS - Alumwell with all of the buildings that appear in the book so you can see the articles and the models.


1 comment:

Jeremy Ramsey said...

Great news - hopefully P&S will have my copy in the post shortly!