Sunday 19 February 2023

Dark Attack 54mm Miniatures

Last weekend Sue and I visited the Malvern Flea Market and Collectors Fair and I picked up this box of Dark Attack plastic figures (set No. 5002) from Tehnolog.

There are 20 plastic figures, 4 Orcs, 5 Dwarves, 5 Elves and 6 Undead or Tomb Guards. The Elves are particularly well sculpted as are the Orcs, while the Dwarves lack the finesse of the earlier two sets. The Undead are the least well sculpted but they do offer some very well detailed weapons and skulls which should come in handy when building dioramas or decorating bases. At 54mm the Orcs could be used as Ogres in 28mm scale and this is how I might use them although I am particularly looking forward to seeing how the Elves paint up.

The box set cost just £7.00 and at that price I think they are great value. I have seen similar sets on the internet, but wouldn't want to pay any more than £10.00 for a set.

I will keep you informed of how my painting progresses.


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