Monday 7 August 2023

1/35th Scale Narrow Gauge Wagons - update part three

The three new wagons were all painted with acrylic paints. A basecoat, some highlighting and then washes.

The old wood colour was a mix of various browns, linen and grey to add variety.

Finally, the wooden panelling was given an oil wash with small dots of oil colour thinned out with odorless white spirits,

Each of the flat wagons were then further detailed and weathered with more acrylic paint and some watercolour pencils.

Light rust was added in small amounts which was mixed from Charred Brown and Hot Orange (Vallejo paints) before I added some graphite (2B pencil) to the metal areas.

The final image shows the three wagons ready for couplings to be added.



Codsticker said...

Wonderful, natural looking wood.

Tony said...

Thank you. I think it is the added grey that tones down the browns and cream colours.