In this latest On-Line Build, I am painting a 28mm Games Workshop Abaddon the Despoiler, a miniature that I picked up on e-bay eariler this month. The inspiration came from two sources, firstly this image from the 2008 Cool Mini or Not Annual which is a Forgeworld resin casting and secondly a 'bargain bin' find at a local art store.

The second-hand miniature came undercoated in Black. I took the figure apart to clean up the castings and re-base it. I decided not to strip the black paint, but to paint over it, however at this moment I am still undecided as to which base/undercoat I will use - black or white, maybe even a mix of both!

This photo shows some
Water Mixable Oil Colour from REEVES. I picked up this set of three tubes for less than £1.00 and thought that I could test out the Brilliant Red (a colour that nearly always disappoints when using acrylic paints) on the Abaddon miniatures armour.

This final photo shows the cleaned-up Abaddon mounted on to a Games Workshop resin base from the
Citadel Urban Basing Kit. I've had the basing kit some time, (It was bought for me by my Mother-in-Law, a Birthday gift I think) and although I have used some of the stone and shale tubs, this is only the second time I have chosen a resin casting to be used as base decoration.
The remainder of the base is built up with Green Stuff, some loose stones and sieved sand.

Both of the banner poles have been cleaned and re-glued with superglue, while the hands have been pinned (see next post).
For now, I have other projects that are taking priority, but this model is one that I have wanted to paint for some considerable time and the Red Abaddon from the CMON Annual has given me the much needed push I needed.