Thursday 15 January 2015

The French Aeronef La Fee Verte

The Aeronef La Fee Verte. A scratch built 1/300th scale model of the Aeronef Balaclava, which was later re-named Le Fee Verte (The Green Fairy).

This model featured in issue 04 of The Ancible magazine, which can still be purchased as a PDF from Wargame Vault.

Image 2 - My first rough sketch.

Image 3 - The hull.

Image 4 - The front ram and the superstructure.

Image 5 - The construction finished.

Image 6 - In the process of painting.

Image 7 - The painted and based Le Fee Verte.

Image 8 - The Aeronef in flight, accompanied by some Martian Sand Rays.

The model was one of two scratch-built Aeronef's featured in The Ancible. I plan on uploading images and details of the second later this month.

I hope that you like the model, full details of which can be found here and here.


I have since been informed that it should be La Fee Verte. Thanks to Barbarian on LAF.

1 comment:

commissarmoody said...

Looks pretty cool. Also like the Sand Rays