Tuesday 13 February 2018

Wargames Terrain & Buildings - The Napoleonic Wars

Yesterday evening Sue found this on Amazon while searching for a birthday gift for our Grandson Finley. Wargames Terrain & Buildings - The Napoleonic Wars by Tony Harwood is due for sale/release in September 2018 but is, as you can see now a reality.

The book will be part one of a series of books that I have been commissioned to write for Pen & Sword. The Napoleonic Wars being the first. The cover illustration is of a 28mm scratch-built Peninsular Wars house on a diorama style base.

Further details can be found by following this link.

At this moment I can not find any details on the Pen & Sword Web pages but will update the Blog when I have further details.

In the meantime copies of Models For Wargamers and More Wargame Terrain are available to buy from me. For details of how to order see the links to the right.



Heisler said...

I'll keep my eye out for it Tony!

Lasgunpacker said...

Hey that is great news!

Any hints as to what other periods/regions the series might cover?

Tony said...

I think I'm allowed to say - AFRICA


NoA said...

Love your other 3 books, so you can be sure that I'll keep my eyes open for this one. Keep on building en enjoying our hobby :)