Thursday 29 July 2021

Hay-on-Wye - a much needed away-day

It's been some time since Sue and I have had an away-day but earlier this week we had a short two day break in Hay-on-Wye, the town of books. We took the Kangoo and booked one night camping at Racquety Farm which is situated just over the bridge on the north side of the town.

It should come as no surprise that I spent most of my time rummaging around old book shops and picked up these little gems (amongst others).

The first is Pigeonniers de France by Dominique Letellier a book brimmed full of both period photographs and beautiful illustrations. Published by Editions Privat in 1991.

Here are just a couple of sample pages - which I am sure will inspire loads of wargame buildings.

The second is this Shire Album - 160 The Gunpowder Industry by Glenys Crocker. This small booklet was found in a bargain box and bought for just 99p.

Once again, I have included a sample page.

On the way back home we stopped off in Hereford and I picked up some modelling supplies from The Hereford Model Centre.

It was only one night away, but given the restrictions we have been living under for the last 18 months, it felt like a real break - a memorable holiday and I picked up some bargains.


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