Sunday 16 April 2023

The Spanish Aeronef - Miniature Wargames issue 481

Issue 481 of Miniature Wargames ((May 2023) features an article written by me showing how I scratch built this Spanish Aeronef for use in my re-imagined Battle of Lepanto using huge steam driven, lighter than air Skyships to re-fight this encounter in a Victorian Science Fiction 'What-if'.

The model used the drop tank from a 1/32nd scale Tornado fighter jet and loads of scrap plastic to built a steam driven Aeronef. The model was painted with standard acrylics and mounted on to a scratch built flying base.

The image above shows the Spanish Skyship alongside one of my Ottoman Empire Dirigibles (or Digs). Full details can be found in the magazine or by searching MW issue 481. Or click here.


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