Friday 17 April 2015

One and Two are OK but not number Three!

Over the last couple of months I have been working on a brand new commission, modelling a range of themed buildings for a new miniature game. Full details will have to wait until nearer the launch date but I have now completed three buildings.

The first two have just been delivered and are currently winging their way to the caster. The plan is to have them reproduced in resin. The third and the subject of this post has been rejected as not fitting in with the game theme.

Having a nearly completed model on my workbench caused me some head-scratching, but in the end I decided that I would continue with the model for my own collection. I have now finished the DAS modelling clay thatch, based the model on an oval of 3mm plastic card and built-up the groundwork with more DAS. I just have to finish the detailing and I can then paint the model. My thought is to add this rectangular hovel to my Pax Bochemannica terrain collection.

Construction has followed my usual sequence; a cardboard core, covered with more card and then clad with balsawood and DAS modelling clay. The stonework on the lower walls is carved from some firm modelling foam and textured with a small wire brush.

I have also added some wooden nails to the timber framing. These are made from thinned cocktail sticks pressed into holes made with a large darning needle and glued in place with superglue.

The model is 90mm wide x 85mm deep and 90mm tall. The base is 115mm x 100mm.

I will of course post further details of this project once I have the all-clear and look forward to painting this and the earlier two models once they return from the caster.



Rob Alderman said...

Lovely model Tony, shame it didn't make the cut but I think it looks perfect for pax bochemannica!

Tony said...

I agree - I just have to decide if there is to be a round door or the more usual rectangular one.


Heisler said...

I think its a great model, not sure why it was rejected I'm sure it wouldn't have taken much to get it to fit the theme. Keep them coming man!