Wednesday 15 April 2015

The Adventures of Gerard by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

My latest charity shop find. The Adventures of Gerard by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. The book was found in a charity shop in Evesham and bought for £1.00.

I have read most of the Brigadier Gerard short stories - having borrowed a book from the library some years ago, I now own a copy and although the condition is not great, all the pages are intact and easily readable.

For anyone not familiar with these adventures, the Brigadier is the bravest of French Napoleonic officers, the idol of the ladies and the imperturbable egoist. His adventure often comical are great fun and a superb inspiration for Flintloque adventures. See this Wiki link for more information.

Adventures of Gerard by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Published by PAN Books in 1949
list price 2/- (10p)



Kaptain Kobold said...

And he is, of course, a precursor of Flashman.

I do enjoy the Gerard stories. Most of Doyle's writing is excellent and very readable, although I'm not a huge fan of his historical novels - I think he was much better in the tighter short story format.

(Disclosure - I am a Holmes fan-boy. Indeed it's how my wife and I met :) )

PatG said...

Great find at a great price!

The Adventures of Girard and The Exploits of Girard are both available from as audio books and in various digital text formats from

Derek said...

A good find there, I remember reading them all a very long time ago, and enjoying them, maybe I should look them out again!