Tuesday 21 April 2015

The Todoroni Regiment - part six

Painting is progressing, although it is a little slower than I would like. I put this down to two reasons, first, I am working on a couple of other projects at the moment and secondly, I am still not certain about the Purple. I can see me re-painting these bits!

The bases have been painted in my usual Snakebite Leather (I don't have that much left at the moment), highlighted with Snakebite and Skull White and odd stones picked out in a mix of Skull White and Chaos Black. I have also 'washed' the bases with Sepia wash from Citadel/Games Workshop.

The group of eight looks good. Just some detail painting to go and the standard.

I'll try to get some more images soon.


1 comment:

Rob Alderman said...

I think they look great Tony! Keep it up. :)