Tuesday 1 December 2015

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.....

I have throughout this year tried to have a new piece of scratch-built terrain as the first post of each new month, December is slightly different; as you can see - my first post was detailing the Orcs in the Webb Advent Calendar - something that I have supported with articles and submissions since it was conceived.

However - here is a terrain gallery image, showing how I have added snow to one of the scratch-built Frostgrave terrain models.

First a warning -


As Sue and I were browsing the shelves in the Christmas isle at Poundland, I saw this MAGIC SNOW POWDER and thought - that should work!

I mixed up some snow powder with acrylic paint, uPVA glue and a tiny (I do mean tiny) amount of water and applied the snow with an old paintbrush.

The snow powder says that it will expand up to 100 times! And it did. I have been sparing with the powder as this was a test. I thought that it looked OK, that is until it dried out. As when it dries it contracts back to it's original 1/100th of the size leaving a horrible mess.

I had read that using bicarbonate of Soda can damage the model - well it can't be any worse than this. So I will be re-snowing the base with soda or proper snow sometime in December.

You have been warned.


1 comment:

Heisler said...

I will cross Magic Snow Powder off the list and contintue to use the gigantic shaker of Woodland Scenics "snow" then. Thanks Tony!