Friday 13 January 2017

Kickstarter - Oldhammer Stone Bridge

This is an image of the very first resin cast of a Stone Bridge that will be part of a planned Kickstarter campaign due later this year. The Kickstarter will feature over a dozen themed models sculpted by me, cast by Hysterical Games and available from Apocalypse Miniatures. For details see this link.

I was given this model when I met up with Rob earlier this week and Ryan at Apocalypse Miniatures has given me permission to feature the model on this Blog.

The final two images show the master prior to being moulded and cast. It is 210mm long, 100mm wide and 55mm tall. The narrowest part of the upper roadway (at the bow or top of the bridge) is 37mm wide.

Further details of this Kickstarter will be made available closer to the launch date, but I will try to offer teasers or previews over the next couple of months.

It is my hope that the full collection will be made available with the first launch. Stay tuned for further details and good luck to Ryan with this adventure.


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