Wednesday 18 January 2017

Military Modelcraft International - January 2006

Regular readers and followers will already know that I enjoy reading various model making magazines; be they model air-plane, model boats, military or railway subjects. I can rarely abstain from picking up magazines with interesting articles or those found for bargain prices in charity shops.

I bought four second-hand issues of Military Modelcraft from e-bay and took them with me when Sue and I visited a Spa Hotel yesterday. The issue from January 2006 had, what is in my opinion one of the very best step-by-step construction and painting articles I had read for some time. So good, in fact that I re-read it just to make sure I was not over-stating it.

BT - 7 Light Tank Under New Management by Simon Barrett 

The four page article was a mix of background information, detailed step-by-step construction notes and interesting painting techniques which were inter-spaced with new to me hints and tips. In summary, just what I like when reading model making articles.....

I would be interested to know if any one else has had a similar experience.

The four magazines were bought for £3.00 with the knowledge that some pages had been removed, even so I consider them to be a bargain. I have decided to remove this particular article and keep it in a separate folder to use as inspiration when I write articles for magazines.

I will be looking out for other articles written by Simon Barrett.


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