Thursday 1 June 2017

Foam Walls and 40mm Saxons

It's been a while since I modelled or painted something just for myself, rather than book and magazine articles or producing Masters for someone else.....

My On-Line Build for May 2017. Foam Walls and 40mm Saxons.

This is a project that I have wanted to do for some time, a pair of Jim Bowen 40mm Saxons set against a scratch built wall on a small diorama base.

The wall is constructed from some spare Green Foam with the individual stones carved and then textured before being glued to a plastic card base, which is in turn glued to a stone (or reconstituted stone) door number plaque.

As usual, you can 'click' on the images for a larger view.


1 comment:

Phil said...

Nice! Love the walls...