Saturday 26 May 2018

Gobsmasha from years ago

Earlier this week I saw a post on another site showing a 15mm Gobsmasher in the process of being built. This got me thinking.....

I had produced a Gobsmather some years ago (read that as over twenty-five years ago) and then started to wonder if I had any images of this long-lost model. Here are the only two that I could find, one showing construction and the second showing it undercoated in grey acrylic paint.

The model was built from scrap card, pen barrels and spare metal washers. The wheel detailing on the treads are lentils and the rivets are slices of plastic rod. The finished model was painted in a grey 'tiger stripe' camouflage and was for many years displayed in the now long gone Swansea Model Shop. I have no idea where the model is now but thought it was worth posting these images of a true 'blast from the past.'


1 comment:

(Kym) + Warburton + (Classic40K) said...

Brilliant--love that classic--sad you don't have it anymore! Those were the days when White Dwarf had templates to help you scratch build things yourself...!