Tuesday 15 May 2018

Shakespear's Rose Theatre to be built in York

I learnt of this ambitious project while reading a Tourist Information booklet for York. The plan is to build a reproduction of the The Rose Theatre. The building will be a copy of the 13 sided Rose Theatre first built in London over 400 years ago. It will be a temporary 'pop-up' structure constructed from scaffolding, corrugated iron and wood with a planned audience area for 950 people, both standing and seated. In addition to the structure there will be a themed park containing Elizabethan entertainment and food offerings. For full details see this link and this Guardian Newspaper article.

I initially picked up the booklet because it had a number of images that took my fancy, but once I read of these plans, I started planning an over night stay in York and looking to see which plays are being performed. In the past Sue and I have visited The Globe down in London as well as regular visits to the RSC and Swan in Stratford (in fact our plan is to visit Stratford-upon-Avon again today). We both love seeing Shakespear live and the thought of seeing a play in these planned surroundings is just too much to miss.

The building work is due to commence in June with performances booked between June 25th and September 2nd. Prices vary between £12.50 for the 'standings' and £59.95 for the seated. - having experienced The Globe, I would recommend that you try the standing area at least once. I just wish we lived closer as I am sure these performances will be fantastic.

I just can't wait to see this new attraction.

Tony (and Sue)


BigLee said...

Hmm a feel a trip up north coming on!

David Wood said...

Sounds wonderful. One of my favourite places.

Tony said...

Sue has booked tickets and a hotel. So the visit is going ahead.
