Thursday 18 July 2019

Scratch Building a Star Trek Shuttle - Miniature Wargames August 2019

Issue 436 of Miniature Wargames (August 2019) has a five page 'how-to' article on scratch-building this Star Trek Shuttle for 28mm gaming. The full tutorial, written by me shows how I re-drew scale plans, built the shuttle and painted it as well as sourcing some suitable hull decorations. The magazine is available from Warners, your local gaming store or W H Smiths in the UK.

Shuttle Diplomacy

The model was built on a foamboard core with plastic card cladding and bits from the spares box. It was painted with 'rattle-can' spray paints and acrylics and finished with home-made and scrounged decals and labels.

In addition to the Star Trek Shuttle, there are another two 'how-to' articles and a number of early Tolkien First Age scenarios. The magazine also includes the usual reviews and eye candy.



Lasgunpacker said...

Great looking shuttle! What scale did you build it in?

Tony said...

"Great looking shuttle! What scale did you build it in?"

1:57th scale.
