Saturday 9 October 2021

Gaul Defence Tower from Asterix and the Cauldron

Another month and another magazine article showing how I build scratch built terrain for the wargame table. But this time it's a little different.....

Miniature Wargames issue 463 (November 2021) has this article showing how I built a Gaul Defence Tower from corrugated cardboard, card, egg box card and DAS modelling clay with a lift-off plastic card roof detailed with real wood.

The model was inspired by an illustration in the Asterix book Asterix and the Cauldron - in which the treacherous Gaul Whosmoralsarelastix uses his friendship with the Romans to trick the Gauls into searching out some treasure. I was struck by the illustration when reading the book to my grandsons and thought it would make a great centre piece for my Pax Bochemannica games.

Illustration taken from Asterix and the Caldron (used without permission).

For full details of this comic inspired piece of wargame terrain, check out the latest issue of Miniature Wargames.



(Kym) + Warburton + (Classic40K) said...

Very nice indeed, very much recognisable as "Asterix-style" - and all this time you've been doing lift-off roofs and not telling us! ;)

Tony said...

You will find that I have been doing lift off roofs for some time - ever since the comments first started appearing on the Blog. The problem is that there is a 'lag' between building the model and writing the article and the tutorial coming out in print. For example - there was a plan for another model with a lift off roof appearing in Miniature Wargames next month. This has been changed to accommodate a newer article with more relevant content.

I will of course post links once the article/articles are available.

Once again, thank you for the comment.


mattblackgod said...

Brilliant model. Will there be other Asterix builds?

Tony said...

At this moment I don't have anything on the 'to build' list but I am enjoying reading the Asterix books to Finley and Charlie so I would expect more.

I have about three more Asterix books ready to read to the boys but am resisting the urge to browse images until I read them to the boys.

Finley in particular is really enjoying the stories and picture reading them in bed at night - as some of the words are a little difficult (even for adults).

I'll keep the Blog updated with progress although as I noted in the earlier reply, there is sometimes quite a lag between sending off the article and it appearing in the magazine.


Codsticker said...

I love everything about it- the stonework, the colour of the daub and the roof with it's ridge beam and pole rafters.

Tony said...

Thank you.
