Friday 19 November 2021

Flintloque/Silver Bayonet cross over - part ten

With the eight minis painted, it was time to finish the bases. I used my home-made Snakebite Leather colour with both drybrushing and washes to complete the bases then varnished the minis and bases with a hard wearing gloss varnish.

Once the gloss varnish was dry, I re-varnished the unit with matt varnish and touched-in any metal parts with some gloss before decorating the bases with static grass and static grass tufts.

Here is the finished Flintloque/Silver Bayonet unit of French (Ferach) all ready for their first adventure. They really were great fun to modify and paint and I can't wait to get some more Flintloque/Silver Bayonet units and monsters painted up.


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