Thursday 6 June 2013

Building Wargame Terrain by Tony Harwood - an update

The first proof is now being printed and should be with me within the week. This does not mean that I have been idle. As both my daughter and I have been busy proof reading the electronic copy and uploading the book to the printers. Then proof reading and checking the layout again (and again). I had hoped that by now I would have a copy to show you but updates and amendments have taken a little longer than expected.

As part of my deal with the printers, I am allowed one 'hard copy' proof book prior to the full publishing run and I wanted to be sure that this copy was as close to perfect as possible.

There is no doubt that the publishing, or more accurately the preparation for publishing has taken a lot longer than I had expected. However I am now more confident that the book is nearing full production and the two month deadline that I set myself, (see this earlier post) is achievable.

Hopefully I will have something to show for all this work very soon.



airhead said...

Nice one Tony, nearly there. Just a thought, but if I was you I'd get some one to cold read it. A fresh pair of eyes will see what you will miss.

All the best


Tony said...

Good idea, I'll think about who I can ask.
