Friday 7 August 2015

Shep Paine Model Maker and Historian has died

I have read on a number of forums that the military modeller and historian Shep Paine has passed away. Shep was one of the inspirational figures in my formative youth and has been a driving force in my own model making career.

I have a number of his books on my bookcase and will miss his simple and direct approach to building models and dioramas.

For details of his models go to this link.

I have also seen this tribute to him on youtube.



Paul´s Bods said...

Sad News. I was looking at Pictures of his dio, The Gun Deck of HMS Victory just the other day.

PatG said...

Bugger. He was inspirational.

GaryA said...

Well, it comes to us all, but I feel oddly very sad. A whole chunk of my 'formative years' has gone. I used to drool over photos of his models, especially in the old Historex catalogues and he was one of the two or three people who influenced my painting style.