Saturday 8 August 2015

Voie Libre - French language narrow gauge railway magazine

Voie Libre - A French language publication featuring Narrow Gauge Railways from Europe. I picked up 8 magazines for just £5.00 from a charity shop in Pershore, Worcestershire last month and have had great fun trying to read and understand the various articles. However it is possible to get an English translation leaflet (but where's the fun in that!)

The official Web page is now saying that the latest issues will be printed in English as well as French.

Each magazine has around 60 pages per issue and is full of both construction and layout articles. The images below show just some of the pages and what to expect. See this link for details.

Regular readers and followers will know I have a love of all things Narrow Gauge and even have a small layout (O-16.5 Industrial Diesel) so magazines like this are always going to appeal to me. The magazine is published and produced to a very high standard and includes layouts and articles that should be of interest to any modeller.



Ulu Elsomalien said...

Nice find, these are really expensive. Let me know if you need help with translation.

Tony said...

"Let me know if you need help with translation."

Thank you.


Leigh said...

Looks a good magazine. I believe there is basic translations of some issues on there website

Paul´s Bods said...

and those houses look like theyéd make good templates for....... :-D