Tuesday 4 September 2018

Adding Clutter - what did you think?

I have been wondering how the 28 Narrow Gauge Clutter posts from August had been received?

What did you think of this clutter themed month?



Simon said...

Interesting what you can do with old pen parts etc.

Steve-the-Wargamer said...

Our views are not the point - it's your blog.. :o)

Speaking purely for myself I would prefer to see them placed on the actual layout but I understand you haven't necessarily decided where yet..

(Kym) + Warburton + (Classic40K) said...

I enjoyed them. I subscribe to your view of clutter making scenery and terrain appear lived in rather than just a model. I'm looking forward to seeing all the elements in place on the layout!

Leigh said...

Been interesting but would love a step by step on your rust techniques

Tony said...

"Been interesting but would love a step by step on your rust techniques."

Stay tuned. I have a planned post waiting in the wings, detailing just this.
