Earlier this week I downloaded the 17 page Aeronef Scenario/Campaign Aeronef over the Aegean by Paul O'Grady and David Crook. I am not going to review the game Aeronef by Steve Blease as there are more than enough great reviews and comments on this Victorian Science Fiction (VSF) aerial combat game, however this new PDF booklet and Mini Campaign has only just been released.
Before I start, please note that you will need the the original rule book - Aeronef by Matthew Hartley and Steve Blease to run this campaign, for more details see;

I am yet to play any of the three scenarios, but enjoyed reading the story and notes on each of the scenarios. I will not give to much away, but will say that the writing and and quality of the scenarios allow the reader to fully sympathize with the hero (or the opposing forces). Very well done.
The booklet also contains some rules amendments, not all of which I agree with, but as I have said earlier - I am yet to play the games, so I will reserve judgement until I have tested them. Further sections give ship profiles of the main protagonists (plus, optional reinforcements) and details of the Brigade Models Aeronef miniatures that are available for this campaign, see;
The whole booklet is further enhanced with some quite stunning terrain and model photography, courtesy of Steve Blease. All in all a hearty recommendation - ten out of ten.
The cost of this PDF - $1.00 is being donated to the Doctors Without Borders - Haiti Earthquake Response appeal. $1.00 very well spent.