Even though I have loads of Blog updates still to be posted on the Telford Scale Model World Show from this weekend, I thought that I would take this opportunity to update you on the progress on the Cazadore miniature. Firstly, I can confirm that I have had some considerable difficulty photographing this model, I think it might be the fact that the model is painted in such dark colours and that the daylight at this time of year is either fierce (direct sunlight) or non-existent (heavy cloud).
The first three photos show the painting finished and the model mounted on to a 2inch oak cube, bought last year from Telford! The ground work is still to be painted and is built up with Milliput and some small stones from the garden. Further groundwork is either sieved sand or fine sand applied over uPVA glue and sealed with Superglue. I was trying for a crumbling dry stone wall and sandy base depicting Spain/Portugal.

This photo shows the groundwork painted, but still to be Matte Varnished. I have used some very fine pale dust (concrete dust from Spain) to blend the miniature into the base and tone down the boots and gaiters.

I am pleased with the finished conversion and painting and would hope that I can a good auction price at the Port Wine Tasting and 'Guess the Vintage Port' event in early December, I'll add a note once the event has happened and update this post with the amount raised/donated to charity.
It's been quite a while since I have painted such a figure - preferring 40mm miniatures or non-historical miniatures, but this On-Line build has rekindled my interest in such miniature painting and I really enjoyed the conversion work and building the display base. My only disappointment is the 'satin' varnish, even though I have now brush painted the miniature four times with Galleria Matte Varnish - and still I cannot get rid of the 'sheen'!
I showed the model to my Wife and Daughter and both agree that it is just full of character - a very imposing stance and the sideburns and moustache add to the defiance. I would agree, a TOY Del Prado miniature soldier bought off the Internet and re-modelled into something unique. Without the deadline of the Port Wine Tasting and the chance of raising some money for charity, I am not sure that I would have attempted such a modelling project. I am glad I did.
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