Monday 1 August 2016

Gnome Snail Farm Barn

Here is one of the Panzerfauste resin buildings that I sculpted some time ago. It was originally called the Snail Breeding Barn, but is available to buy from Hysterical Games as the Gnome Snail Farm Barn, for full details of the range of figures and scenery please go to this link.

This particular resin cast was one of the very first 'test casts' and is therefore quite a chunk of solid resin, More recent casts are hollow and have a revised base.

The image above shows an Alternative Armies Rifle Orc shown for scale.

I choose to paint my model in natural stone colours with a blue slate roof. The whole range of themed buildings was commissioned for Panzerfauste but could be used in a wide range of different gaming settings and genres, check them out.

Hysterical Games is run by my very good friend Rob, who recently had the pleasure of visiting and seeing my Shed-at-the-Bottom-of-the-Garden, climbing over boxes of bits and clambering between half finished projects - I can report that he survived the experience.....


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