Tuesday 21 February 2017

Three recent purchases

Here are three recent book purchases. The first was bought for me by Sue and is an illustrated book of paintings and watercolours showing the Victorian ideal of a country cottage. Victorian Cottages (part of the Country Series) by Andrew Clayton Payne. The book is full of inspiration for future models.

Secondly a real find - again a gift from Sue who has a way of finding these fantastic little gems. The Hutchinson Dictionary of Ancient and Medieval Warfare. It was picked up for just 50p.

Finally a book found by me in a charity book shop, Traditional Houses of Rural France by Bill Laws. The book is jam-packed with colour illustrations of beautifully photographed rural houses. Just my type of book. This one cost just £1.00.



Paul´s Bods said...

Nice. The front cover of the Traditional Houses of Rural France Looks inspirational already

Heisler said...

I would happily spend a couple of days with those books as well!

snowcat said...

I'm getting that book. Would be good if there were similar books for Germany - might have to trawl eBay.de for a few...


Tony said...

Would be good if there were similar books for Germany.

Try Hessenpark Open Air Museum.


It's a great day out and the museum guides will give you loads of inspiration.


snowcat said...

We live in Australia. :)

One day...

