Sunday 8 March 2020

West Midlands Military Show - Alumwell Wargames

I have just returned from a very enjoyable day out at the West Midlands Military Show, Wolverhampton, hosted by the Alumwell wargamers.

Given all the newspaper reports about Coranavirus, I had expected the show to be quieter than usual, but as I arrived it was buzzing with what I thought was a fuller hall than last year. It did slacken off after lunch and I didn't stay till the end, preferring to be home in time for a late lunch. here are some of the photos I took.....

My purchases were mainly gaming supplies and in particular paint. The selection below was quite a haul and should keep me going for some time (although I bet I have missed some colour or other and will have to nip out to Hobbycraft next week!)

Thank you to everyone who takes the trouble to organise and attend this show - my plan is to have an exhibit table next year.



Jangodot said...

Hi Tony, nice to bump into you today. Just been looking through your blog - what a great record (and inspiration for the rest of us!). Cheers, Adam

Tony said...

Same here.

Great to see you and your father.


Biblicrafts Miniatures said...

Nice pictures ! Thanks for the trip :)