Sunday, 5 January 2025

Writing for Wargame Magazines

Over the Christmas and New Year break I was asked why I'm no longer writing for Wargames, Soldiers & Strategy or Wargames Illustrated. In the part I have written for both magazines as well as Ancible (now no longer produced) and various on-line fanzines including Barking Irons and Ragnarok in addition to a number of articles for various railway magazines but for some time I have been a regular contributor to Miniature Wargames under John  Treadaway (Editor) and I just feel comfortable with his leadership and the way that he allows me the freedom to scratch build models that appeal to me.

I would not rule out writing for other magazines should I be asked, but with a continual and non broken series of over 48 magazine articles for Miniature Wargames I feel that I have found a home and this is something I feel very comfortable with.

I would always welcome suggestions for new subject matter as my own imagination is running a little empty and I do enjoy a challenge!

Once again Happy New Year.



Michael S/Chgowiz said...

A challenge... hmm... perhaps a series of articles that builds up an entire battlefield from start to finish. Something with a wide mix of terrain and objects needed - from natural to buildings and various bits of ephemera (fences, wells, etc).

Maybe do it for a place that you're not as familiar with? Maybe Japan during the Edo period? Or Meso-america?

That's what I do when I'm really stuck or bored - look for something completely different.

Happy New Year! Good luck in whatever you decide :)

Anonymous said...

I cannot remember when I last bought a wargames magazine. Possibly it was two years ago? I find them expensive and unfortunately of little inspiration. Simon

Tony said...

Interesting. I'll give that some thought.

Tony said...

I know what you mean. The cost of magazines is becoming a little ridiculous.