Tuesday 1 March 2016

The Wooden Watchtower from Blood Bath at Orcs Drift

Happy St. David's Day. This latest post shows a scratch-built Watchtower to go along with my earlier Oldehammer Buildings (see earlier posts).

The model was constructed from foamboard with scrap card battening and some matchsticks for the window framing. I used my hotglue gun for the basic boxes and uPVA glue to add the card strips.

The roof was built from more card and the joins filled with DAS modelling clay. I have used a bamboo skewer for the flag pole.

I textured the whole building with a mix of watered-down filler, uPVA glue and fine sand. The door was sculpted from DAS.

The Blood Bath at Orcs Drift Tower has a very distinct orange colour and I have tried to replicate this. I have kept darker colours to the lower walls and lighter to the upper sections. In this image you can see the very dark brown undercoat that was used on this model.

And finally, the finished Watchtower. I used a different colour on the roof tiles - to add interest and painted the door and windows as the original card building.

The billposters on the side are small strips of paper glued in place with uPVA glue and panted in off-white colours before the text was added with a sharp pencil. The green mould was painted on with a fine paintbrush and further details with a fine pointed drawing pen.

The model stands 170mm (to the top of the flag pole).

I still have no idea what I'll be doing with these models - but they were great fun to both model and paint and have brought back some fantastic memories of early Warhammer games. I know they are very naive and simple, but are very characterful and fun.



The Angry Lurker said...

That turned out well!

Paul´s Bods said...

Cracking !

Zzzzzz said...

Ooooh Orks Drift. Whatever happened to Arka Zargil ?.......

Anonymous said...

Very nice!

Rob Alderman said...

Really lovely work, Tony.

You've captured the original look excellently. Fantastic stuff!

Heisler said...

There is nothing wrong with simple and they look great! I tend to get to complex about things, simply is a welcome relief.

Solo wargaming-on a budget! said...

Love your work, very good models and a great tutorial, thank you.

Copper Oracle said...

These buildings look fantastic and really capture the old card buildings. I am collecting the Bloodbath set and plan on making up the building so this will prove a great inspiration/resource. Thanks for sharing!

Tony said...

"These buildings look fantastic and really capture the old card buildings. I am collecting the Bloodbath set and plan on making up the building so this will prove a great inspiration/resource. Thanks for sharing!"

Thank you and I'm glad you enjoyed reading about them.
