Sunday 13 March 2016

WMMS Alumwell

Sue and I have just got back from the West Midlands Military Show, Alumwell. I am afraid that there are a lot less images than usual, as I'm still recovering from a very bad head cold and infection. We left earlier than usual and my purchases were minimal. However here are some inspirational photos I thought were worth sharing.



Rob Alderman said...

Great to see you both, look forward to getting to catch up properly when we're all feeling better!


DeanM said...

Superbly painted models - I like that SR-71 in unusual paint job.

J Womack, Esq. said...

That's some brilliant stuff. Hope you're feeling better soon. The missus is currently experiencing a similar health situation. No fun for anyone.

airhead said...

Thanks for posting the pics, I thought it was a bit quiter this year.

All the best
