Yesterday I spent all day at Partizan MMX. I had originally planned on missing this show and going to Games Expo, Birmingham next week, but at the last minute, Dave at Grand Manner asked if I was free to help him. We had an early start from Bromsgrove but were lucky enough to find an ideal parking space and the unloading was simplified because of this.

It was my first visit to Kelham Hall, Newark, which is quite an impressive building especially the main hall which is built of arched Golden flecked red brick and painted ceilings. The event itself was very well organised with exhibits across the ground floor and spread through various rooms, which gave the whole show a more friendly and intimate feel.
For the opening three/four hours, I was surprised at just how busy the GM stand was and both Dave and I were inundated with requests for information on the huge range of new items which were released this year. The show was the first outing for the 28mm/40mm Greek Temple model which was being sold at the very reasonable price of £60.00, (which includes one damaged statue and an altar). I was pleased to see that the whole stock of these temples were sold out prior to the show finishing.
The Medieval Town and Village sets were also well received and I was able to discuss the buildings with many gamers and purchasers. It was also the first time I has seen a complete Hartwell Tavern, as the castings I had seen up to now had all been part castings, there are over twenty individual pieces to this limited edition set.

The images below are just a couple of the items I was particularly taken with.
Photo One - The Perry Twins display game, which throughout the day was very busy and well attended. I would say that from what I saw, it was very much a demonstration game, giving examples of how specific actions and rules effect outcomes.
Photo Two and Three - a Greek or Spartan game which showed inspired use of Sudan Buildings as rural Greek outhouses. Very well done.

Photo Four - I was impressed with these Sci-Fi or Pulp electrical items, and took the picture as inspiration for my Flash Gordon laboratory board.
Photo Five - I apologise for the poor quality, I had inadvertently adjusted the setting on the camera! (Which is also the reason why there are so few photos reproduced on this post).
It took some considerable time to load the van following the end of the show, but we had decided not to rush and instead to stop on the journey home for a meal. My total purchases came to a couple of magazines, a Golgo Island miniature of The Apha Zorgl (GGL2), a miniature of a man in a gorilla outfit with a diving-bell helmet by Bob Olley! Some additional Spartan Games 40mm Spartans and Skeletons (the Greek Project continues to grow - if only in terms of the amount of lead) and off course the free limited edition miniature of The Belgian Detective, a special edition miniature given to the exhibitors and the first 500 visitors.

I think the highlight of the show was the number of friends who I was able to talk to over the course of the day, I enjoyed meeting you all and thank you for taking an interest in the new models - and suggesting new future projects.
I already know that others will supply a greater selection of show photos, I hope this post gives an idea as to the atmosphere of the show.