Sunday 7 June 2015

Boche Halflings - group three

This group of three Pax Bochemannica Halflings includes the two archers and one of the spearmen (spearhalflings?) All three have been mounted on to 1p coins and the groundwork built up with Milliput Fine White epoxy putty. I used one of the metal shields (supplied in the box set) for the spear wielding Halfling.

Image Two - The groundwork was further textured with sieved sand applied over uPVA glue.

Image Three - As with the earlier models, the miniatures were spray painted with 'rattle can' Black and then touched up with Chaos Black from Games Workshop. The Black does look a little glossy in this image, but this does not matter as I will be varnishing later in the build.

I hope that you are enjoying this themed Pax Bochemannica month. I have been informed that a Pax Bochemannica re-launch is due very soon.


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