Friday 26 June 2015

Boche Halflings - the last three minis/2

The last three miniatures from the Pax Bochemannica box set have had the flesh areas built up over a Dark Brown base. I have used snakebite Leather and Stonewall Grey to highlight the skin tones before 'washing' the figures with Citadel Flesh and Sepia washes.

Image Two - As with the earlier Boche figures, I have painted the trousers and what in these cases seem to be scarf's by building up a strong base colour with just one highlight before adding the pyjama stripes. This was done in exactly the same way as the earlier Boche.

Image Three - The detail painting continues and now, I just need to finish off the bases.


1 comment:

Rob Alderman said...

Looks great, I think Del's hat is excellent!

Can't wait to see them done.