Sunday 28 June 2015

Boche Standard Bearer and Musician

I picked up this pair of Copplestone Celtic Elves from e-bay. It is my intention to use the Boar Standard and the Horn as conversion parts for the additional Pax Bochemannica Boche that were passed on to me earlier this month by Rob Alderman.

Image Two - This spear wielding Boche had the spear cut from his right hand and a section of metal rod attached in its place. The new sword was cut from plastic card and remodelled with Milliput epoxy putty.

Image Three - The Boar standard was cut from the donor Elf and after drilling a hole in the base of the Boar, I superglued it in place.

Image Four - I had tried to sculpt/convert one of the Boche to be holding the Horn to his mouth, but this proved too difficult for me and in the end, I placed the horn in his right hand and again sculpted a sword in his left. The third figure is pretty stock, just a small flat bead as a shield instead of the round shields supplied in the original box set.

Image Five - The bases were further textured with sand and stones before being undercoated with 'rattle-can' Black. Any bits missed were touched-up with Chaos Black from GW.



Rob Alderman said...

Excellent conversions Tony!

Dave said...

Nice conversions and good for giving the boche a bit more of an army feel than with just the various armed ones running around.