Friday 24 August 2018

An Industrial Narrow Gauge Adventure - Adding Clutter part twenty-one

Regular followers of this Blog will know that I have been working on an industrial narrow gauge railway layout built to 1:27.7 scale or 11mm = 1 foot. The choice of such an unusual scale has meant that much if not all items needed for the layout have had to be heavily modified and/or converted from existing models, completely 'scratch built' or sculpted by me.

In a series of clutter themed posts which are planned to run throughout August I will demonstrate what materials I have used to model such items and how I have painted these various pieces of 'clutter' which will at some stage be added to the finished layout.

The two oil drums are scratch built pieces made from aluminium food trays as described in this earlier post. These were my first attempts at impressing and rolling the foil and as such are experiments that although look OK are a little out of scale or too tall. The blue oil drum was made using the same techniques as the green and yellow oil drum but is taller and not so wide. The rusted example is the right height but again not quite wide enough. Both were painted with acrylic paints and washes. I have been experimenting with different rust powders and these have been applied to both oil drums.

The small green bucket is made from the same aluminium foil, but rolled around a smaller tube, while the oil kettle and jack are from the 1/35th scale Italeri Field Set. The jack is modified with a longer cocktail stick lever painted and washed before being varnished with both matt and gloss varnish.


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